For the design team and for the end user of this shoe, the pressure and tension sensors provide a wealth of interesting and previously unrecordable data.
Which sort of pressure occurs at which point in the shoe as a result of which movement?
Which areas come under particular stress when cornering, where can savings on material be made, and where can padding be improved?
At what speed does the sole flex, what forces are exerted on the shoe when the wearer jumps and lands and when the toe connects with a football. How can a player’s shooting technique be optimised?
When does the wearer of a medical shoe or a prosthesis have to stop in order to prevent chafing and irritation of the skin of the foot?
This and other information can be provided by means of peptech sensors. The sensors, thinner than a human hair, flexible and above all stretchable, can be integrated into the shoe or inner sole in a way that is imperceptible to the wearer. A small Bluetooth unit transmits the data to a PC or Smartphone.
Would you like to know more about our products?
peptech GmbH
Dr Norman Mechau
Siemensstr. 31
71394 Kernen i.R.
Tel. +49 (0)7151 2755 900